Last-Minute Masterpiece
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When I got the call from the Binah Magazine to create a Kever Rachel painting for their cover I was shocked. I felt so privileged and fortunate to Hashem that I was able to make so many people inspired on Rachel Imanu Yartziet.
I had less then 48 hours to create this piece, the pressure was on but I knew I was only able to do it with Hashems help I stayed up all night creating this piece and I put so much focus on the tree because the tree represents life.
Everyone has hope in their life that is what keeps us going in this world it’s Hope, and on her Yartziet we cry to our Mama Rachel to be our voice to Daven to Hashem to bring the Geula. We mourn Rachel Imanu till today, she was so tznius and gave up so much no matter what, she had so much faith in Hashem that she was able to do the right thing no matter how hard it was.