Emotional Kohanim Blessing at Kotel
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One of the most inspiring moments to watch and see is Birkat Kohanim at the Kotel. You can’t even describe it in words you have to actually witness it with your own eyes. But the roaring sound of everyone davening all together is such a beautiful thing and you feel the tefillos going straight up to Heaven. It’s such an emotional and beautiful thing. We are making all the Malachim in Heaven dance and giving Hashem so much nachas. No matter, if you are a Kohen or Levi or Yisroel Hashem, loves you so much and you have to know that YOUR tefillos are so wanted by Hashem. Hashem loves every single one of you.
As this painting was being created Hashem puts in my head how to create it and guides my hand. It’s incredible to see that even from just the painting you feel like your actually standing by the Kotel wall crying to Hashem and answering Amen and being OL MALCHUS SHAMAYIM. We are so fortunate to be Hashem’s children. Always remember the prayers at the Kotel, and whenever your feeling sad or down it will raise your spirit and elevate your Holy Neshama.