3D linen Kotel brings inspiration and holiness
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After creating the 3D Yom Suf with a sheet of linen, I decided to try making a kotel painting as well. It was a challenge because I had never done a painting like that before and the size of it was quite large. But, as always, Hashem helped me and guided my hand.
The kotel is the main focus because that's where Hashem's Shechina rests since the Bais Hamikdash was destroyed. Just standing by the kotel, the Shechina rests on us, and even more so when we pour our hearts out to the One Above.
I wanted to create a painting that, when you see and touch it, you would be able to feel the stones sticking out. I wanted it to transform your wall from a plain, bare wall into something so special and holy that you feel inspired. Many hours were spent creating it, and I spent many hours davening to Hashem to help me finish it, and He did.
All I can say is that this painting will bring much kiddusha and Shechina to your home. It will make you daven harder, and IyH all your tefillos will be answered. I believe every home needs a kotel painting on their wall because it reminds us that Mashiach has to come so Hashem can have His home back.